Pogue Guitars

Pogue Guitars Logo-03.jpg

Pogue Guitar Branding

Pogue Guitars is a boutique guitar brand.

Sketching Iterations

Exploring an option of using SP as the logo instead of “Pogue”

Logo Iterations-02-01.jpg

“Pogue” Sketches

Pogue Guitars Logo Design-04.jpg
Pogue Guitars Logo-03.jpg
Headstock with logo.jpg

During 2020’s COVID pandemic. I took the opportunity to go and study lutherie up in Big Rapids, Michigan. I have always been passionate about music and guitars in particular and was always interested on the building and repair sides of things. I chose to take an internship semester and pursue this interest to see what new career avenues I would be introduced to.


Monarch Guitar Build


At school we built the model they designed, called the “monarch”. Therefore we only had a few chances to put our own voice and style in to the guitar. One of those times being designing the headstock pattern. We cut this piece on the bandsaw and put pieces of maple purfling in between the cuts to create this look. We had to limit our amounts of “cuts” on the bandsaw to less the 7, which impacted the way this was designed.

Building Progress Photos


Magazine Spreads

