The magazine Synthesis is inspired by the electronic side of music and music making. Within Synthesis you will find everything from interviews with your favorite producer to updates on the latest and greatest music hardware and software.

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For the beginning stages I started with some typographic exploration, playing with differing type faces and fonts I found pairings that I liked to move on to the next steps.


After choosing a set of these fonts, I came up with a specifications sheet in which to base my spreads off of. This includes the colors, fonts and sizes, column widths and grids to keep the message consistent.

Design Iterations

My inspiration for these designs was largely due to all of the DAWs, or Digital Audio Workstations, that music creators all use. These programs have a range of different colors and many blocky graphic elements to help organize your sound.

Final Spreads

Final Layout.jpg

InterLang app development


Pogue Guitars